Happy New Year!! Yesterday around lunch, Shawn and Andrew headed off to deer camp... the rest of us followed behind shortly before dark... Stopping by the ole' fireworks stand in hopes of not spending a whole lot of dough... After the guys got out of the woods and I managed to make it past the gate at camp without getting my car stuck, we started our night... Dinner at the Benndale Catfish House (better known as "The Cafe") which is basically a hole in the wall, but it's nice that it's there so close. It makes going to camp a little less hetic! LOL Anyway, since Charlie, our black and tan daschund, had been in the doggie hospital for a few days, he had to tag along.. boy was that an experience! After dinner Shawn and the kids shot fireworks , while Charlie and I stayed in the trailer.. Big Daddy decided that being the redneck he is, it was time to shoot the gun on New Years eve... ugh!! I hated that part!!! Andrew and I headed home today for some R and R and Shawn and the younger two stayed at camp to hunt.
As it is the New Year, I have some sketchy goals.... nothing too major, but monumental tasks in my book... I will elaborate more on those next time, as its time for us to head to my aunts for the traditional dinner!