Monday, July 13, 2009


Are you feeling guilty for not changing your children's bedsheets for weeks on end? Feel trashy taking your trash to the curb with no bra on? Overcome with embarrassment after your child wets his pants in public? We'll don't be! Not Me! Monday was born out of my desire to admit some of my imperfections and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!
1-I did not sit around on Tuesday and watch the entire Michael Jackson memorial, not me.
2-I did not skip a few things at work so that I could enjoy a swimming party
3-I did not let my kids skip their baths a few times this week
4-I did not enjoy margaritas with big daddy on Friday night at the High Cotton Grille.
5-I did not secretly wish for rain so i could stay inside all day.
6-I did not send the kids to bed early on saturday night so big daddy and I could have some QT.
7-I most certainly did not already buy Williams school clothes, because i am organized like that.
8-I did not oversleep today and make the kids late for church activities.
9-I would have never ever left the mess from dinner last night all over the kitchen in order to snuggle with big daddy..not me
10-I didn't run that yellow light today, never, not me!


Kelli said...

I didn't know you were on Blogspot! Or a MckMama fan at that! Small world...ha!