Tuesday, March 31, 2009


WOW has it really been almost two months since i have written a new blog?? Looks like it!! Well there is a good reason for that! I am up to my chin in school work, trying to get this semester closed out!!! I can't wait for summer so that I can spend time with my family and prepare for (hopefully) nursing school! I am praying that I can get in come August. I will know something around June or July.
The boys school year is coming to a close also. Andrew is finishing the 4th grade and Adam is finishing 3rd. William will start kindergarten in August :( Hopefully we can get them into the same school. Although there looks to be some changes coming to Pascagoula (BOO BOO). Our great (ha ha) superintendent Wayne Rodolphich is trying to change the way Pascagoula and Gautier operate the middle schools. His intentions are to make Trent Lott Middle School (aka PJ for all you oldies) a new 6th grade academy (BLAAA ) and make Colmer Middle School (aka Colmer Junior High) the new 7th and 8th grade school. Personally I think it stinks. The reason I bought my house on the side of town is so that my children would go to Trent Lott. And now some goober wants to change it??? They will also be going BACK to the 7 classes each day! WOW. Why did they change it in the first place??? Seems history has a way of repeating itself and it looks to me like we need to go back to the way things use to be. K-6 in elementary, 7-9 in junior high and 10-12 in high school. I think our kids are growing up way way to fast and that they need as much time to mature as possible before they are thrown to the wolves in high school. I went to Colmer as a junior higher and loved it. However at that time there wasn't a 8ft chain length fence surrounding the school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the apartments that surrounded our school weren't as bad as they are now!!!!!!! Looks to me like I need to save some $$$$ for private school, because I am not so sure how this is gonna work out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!