WOW! Its already Christmas! Time is a flying by! Just a bit of an update... Last Tuesday, Dec 15, was my final for Level 1 of the RN program... I passed and its onto Level 2 in January! The following day , on Wednesday, I had a breast reduction surgery... a long awaited surgery to say the least...nevertheless I am glad that its over with and that there will be no more upper back pain! Shawn and the boys left on Friday to visit with his family and should return today. Sorry this is so short, but I have been resting today and can't seem to get my thoughts together!! Take care and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
1 month!
WOW.. so much is going to happen in the next month.. and I am NOT talking about Christmas.... School is going great, however it IS stressful! I will be absence for the next month or so, I will be having surgery so keep me in your prayers.. I will update more when the semester is over..
Posted by Mary Panni at 11/15/2009 09:25:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Banana Spiders and a Wasp

Posted by Mary Panni at 9/05/2009 10:24:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What a week
Well blogger buddies, last week was CRAZY! Shawn caught the H1N1 virus,the boys started football, and I started the RN program.. !!!! Shawn is still out of work, until Tuesday, but he is getting better and I am proud to say that NO ONE in our household caught the virus... I was one worn out puppy last week. I already have 2 tests behind me, and many more to go! I am excited about it though. I absolutely love it!
Posted by Mary Panni at 9/03/2009 11:54:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Birthdays and Great News!
Well July and August have been 2 really busy months!
Shawn celebrated his 39th birthday!! I was accepted into the Nursing Program (*whew*) and will start classes on the 21st of August!!! I am super excited to finally get on with my degree!
August has been pretty busy also. I celebrated my 29th birthday this month and the boys have officially started school!! All my babies are in school now!! I am glad that everyone got the teachers that I had asked for. Not all were excited at first but I imagine they will be later. William's first full day was today and he didn't cry or anything. We found his classroom and I helped him with his things and off he went to eat breakfast, waving to me while he was getting into line! I was laughing because all of my boys were excited to go to school! Andrew as I recall didn't even want me to walk in with him on his first day! Adam was a bit nervous but did ok on his first. I will update later on how everything went on this first day for William!
Posted by Mary Panni at 8/13/2009 01:20:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Are you feeling guilty for not changing your children's bedsheets for weeks on end? Feel trashy taking your trash to the curb with no bra on? Overcome with embarrassment after your child wets his pants in public? We'll don't be! Not Me! Monday was born out of my desire to admit some of my imperfections and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!
Posted by Mary Panni at 7/13/2009 01:04:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Well I didn't get into nursing school for the fall semester so I guess this means i will keep trying for the spring. There is a lot going on here and maybe its for the better. School is just around the corner and William is getting more nervous by the day! I know he will be just fine though. Well just a quick update!
Posted by Mary Panni at 7/08/2009 11:48:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
These pictures are worth a thousand words!
These are not quality pictures because they were stolen from my sisters facebook! But here none the less!
Posted by Mary Panni at 6/25/2009 09:07:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
UPDATE****6/25/09**** Kp has seen the specialist and she will deliver at UAB (University of Alabama Birmingham) when the time comes. They will make a trip there July 13, 09 to visit with doctors and what not up there. please continue to pray for this family and baby D.
A few posts ago I told you about my friend, KP. Well she went back to the doctor today and found out not such good news. In addition the other complications, the ultrasound tech is almost certain she see's pulmonary stenosis.
Here is a description of that :What is pulmonary stenosis?Pulmonary stenosis is a congenital (present at birth) defect that occurs due to abnormal development of the fetal heart during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. The pulmonary valve is found between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. It has three leaflets that function like a one-way door, allowing blood to flow forward into the pulmonary artery, but not backward into the right ventricle. With pulmonary stenosis, problems with the pulmonary valve make it harder for the leaflets to open and permit blood to flow forward from the right ventricle to the lungs. In children, these problems can include:
a valve that only has one or two leaflets instead of three.
a valve that has leaflets that are partially fused together.
a valve that has thick leaflets that do not open all the way. Pulmonary stenosis may be present in varying degrees, classified according to how much obstruction to blood flow is present. A child with severe pulmonary stenosis could be quite ill, with major symptoms noted early in life. A child with mild pulmonary stenosis may have few or no symptoms, or perhaps none until later in adulthood. A moderate or severe degree of obstruction can become worse with time. Pulmonary stenosis is a component of half of all complex congenital heart defects. Pulmonary stenosis is the second most common congenital heart defect, comprising 5 to 10 percent of all cases.
What causes pulmonary stenosis?Congenital pulmonary stenosis occurs due to improper development of the pulmonary valve in the first 8 weeks of fetal growth. It can be caused by a number of factors, though most of the time this heart defect occurs sporadically (by chance), with no clear reason evident for its development. Some congenital heart defects may have a genetic link, either occurring due to a defect in a gene, a chromosome abnormality, or environmental exposure, causing heart problems to occur more often in certain families.
Lord, wrap your arms around KP, baby D and her fammily. Fill them with peace and trust as they travel through this "storm." You are our Comfort, our Shelter and our Healer. We beseech you, Lord, to interevene right now and heal baby D. Help us to keep our eyes focused on You. Amen.
Posted by Mary Panni at 6/18/2009 10:03:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Posted by Mary Panni at 6/17/2009 11:19:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Prayer Requests
I am typing this at near midnight, but my mind is foggy... There is an old childhood friend of mine that needs your prayer.. KP, she has been through so much. The short of it is that she has already buried one child, her mother a month later, rejoiced in her second daughter's birth, had a brain tumor, and is currently pregnant with a son. This is where I need you to pray. Her son who is due in September, is having issues. They found out a month or so ago that he had only 3 chambers in his heart. Recently they discovered that he has Downs Syndrome, 3 holes in his heart, and an overridding aorta. I want to take her place. She has been through so much in her 27 short years. Say a prayer for KP and her family as well as baby D.
Posted by Mary Panni at 6/10/2009 11:51:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mary Panni at 6/10/2009 11:12:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
Muffins... Yummo!
Posted by Mary Panni at 5/29/2009 10:21:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
graduation day
Posted by Mary Panni at 5/28/2009 10:17:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
ok so here it is in black and white (or whatever color my page is). The Panni household is going to get their financial house in shape. I have long been the one who has paid bills, budgeted, etc. Those days are over! I hate and i mean hate being the only one who knows what is going on with our money. Starting this week, Mr. Panni, is going to be enlightened! Yippy! That means there are no more excuses on saying "No" and sounding more like his mother than his wife. I truly want to be honest and open to what is going on. Not to get too personal , but its more than one might think. Anyway. My goal is to teach our children what things costs, how to budget, etc. I have done this for years on paper, but never followed through with my actions. I am a sucker for leading shawn to believe that we have the money for whatever the whime might be or finding a way to pay for it (creatively too). I absolutely WANT what is best for our family and today is the day to start!
Posted by Mary Panni at 5/18/2009 11:16:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
I am SO ready for this semester to be OVER!!! Everything is getting behind!! Laundry, housework, etc!!! I absolutely HATE getting behind on all of these things! I know that I am not the only one out there like this, but gosh darn it, I feel like I am!! Only 2 weeks left and I will be done for the semester!! WHOOOOOOO
This week has a lot crammed into it! I have to write a paper tonight... YUCK. I have been studying for my NET exam on Thursday and my moms birthday is on Wednesday. To top things off my sweet microbiology teacher has so graciously allowed me to retake 2 major exams!! This could dramatically increase my grade! Possibly 1 letter grade!! I will update on all these events later!
Posted by Mary Panni at 4/13/2009 08:21:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Thunderbirds @ Keelser AFB!!

Posted by Mary Panni at 4/07/2009 10:08:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
WOW has it really been almost two months since i have written a new blog?? Looks like it!! Well there is a good reason for that! I am up to my chin in school work, trying to get this semester closed out!!! I can't wait for summer so that I can spend time with my family and prepare for (hopefully) nursing school! I am praying that I can get in come August. I will know something around June or July.
The boys school year is coming to a close also. Andrew is finishing the 4th grade and Adam is finishing 3rd. William will start kindergarten in August :( Hopefully we can get them into the same school. Although there looks to be some changes coming to Pascagoula (BOO BOO). Our great (ha ha) superintendent Wayne Rodolphich is trying to change the way Pascagoula and Gautier operate the middle schools. His intentions are to make Trent Lott Middle School (aka PJ for all you oldies) a new 6th grade academy (BLAAA ) and make Colmer Middle School (aka Colmer Junior High) the new 7th and 8th grade school. Personally I think it stinks. The reason I bought my house on the side of town is so that my children would go to Trent Lott. And now some goober wants to change it??? They will also be going BACK to the 7 classes each day! WOW. Why did they change it in the first place??? Seems history has a way of repeating itself and it looks to me like we need to go back to the way things use to be. K-6 in elementary, 7-9 in junior high and 10-12 in high school. I think our kids are growing up way way to fast and that they need as much time to mature as possible before they are thrown to the wolves in high school. I went to Colmer as a junior higher and loved it. However at that time there wasn't a 8ft chain length fence surrounding the school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the apartments that surrounded our school weren't as bad as they are now!!!!!!! Looks to me like I need to save some $$$$ for private school, because I am not so sure how this is gonna work out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Mary Panni at 3/31/2009 10:16:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Two point!!!hehehe
Posted by Mary Panni at 2/12/2009 11:29:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
8 point !!!!
Here is a picture of Shawn's deer that he shot tonight!! Wheeee finally some horns!! He is still on the hunt for the 12 point he had on his game cam.. only time will tell!
Posted by Mary Panni at 1/29/2009 10:41:00 PM 0 comments